Watching Rip being torn apart by bullets on the recap at the beginning of SIX Season 2 Episode 1 was as shocking as it was at the end of SIX Season 1 Episode 8. Rip may have had his faults, but he didn’t deserve what happened to him.
And the fact that it was a young girl from Oregon doing the bidding of the evil Michael Nasry makes the whole situation even worse.
How could someone turn against her own country so easily and without regret?

What is so compelling about SIX is that it immediately grabs hold of you and doesn’t let go. You can’t tear your eyes from the action on the screen. The feelings of anger at what happened are real.
I want vengeance on the bad guys as much as the rest of the team.
The other great thing about SIX is its amazing cinematography. Everything is so realistic that we feel as if we are right there with the team: in the bunker, on the helicopter, and everywhere else the team goes.
The action scenes when the team chased after Dragan were incredible.
Related: SIX Review Season 1 Finale Review: End Game
There’s also something to be said about the acting and the writing. When I first started reviewing SIX, I wasn’t too impressed with the character development, but someone told me I needed to have patience, and she was right.
Over the course of SIX Season 1, the characters came to life and jumped off the screen. I felt as if I had a personal relationship with each of them, and that hasn’t changed.
In fact, I feel closer to them than ever. I feel like they’ve made me a part of their family by giving me a peek into their lives.
I feel Caulder’s regret, the intensity of Bear and Lena’s love, and Buddha’s anger and frustration and the protection he has for Jackie and his kids.

“Critical” picks up immediately after the attack on Rip. Each member of the team has a flashback about Rip effectively setting up what’s to come for the rest of the season.