EXCITING NEWS!!! They say you’re only as sick as your secrets. After sharing my secret with the world in my Huffpost article, I’ve connected with so many people who’ve shared their stories with me. And that’s when the idea for Secret Life Podcast was born. To create a space for other people to share their stories. I hope that by shining the light on something so many struggle with, maybe we can find a little hope and know we aren’t alone.
On the show, we’ll pull back the curtain on humanity’s dark side. You know those deep dark secrets that fill us with shame and remorse. The ones that you swore you’d take to your grave. Or… even those silly, just embarrassing ones that you thought you’d never tell a soul.
We’ll hear from all walks of life. A combination of people I know and a lot I’ve never met. We’ll explore the how, what, when, where, and why of it all. I’ll ask my guest to reveal a past secret and how they were able to get to the other side or, a present secret they’re still carrying around but want to free themselves of that burden.
So, please join me as we experience the cathartic results of sharing our secrets.
Do you have a secret you want to share on the show?
Shoot me a note secretlifepodcast@icloud.com
Available wherever you listen to your podcasts on August 3, 2020